Session #2-Serving the Church


As we read the New Testament, we are consistently reminded of the importance of “building up” the body of Christ. There is a steady theme in the letters of the apostles that each member of the Church is interconnected with the whole and that all of us have a gift or service to offer. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12 that “a manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good” and that are many different giftings make up the “one body” of Christ. He clarifies that every follower of Jesus has been gifted and called to the work of ministry and that in Christ’s church, there are no bystanders or seat-fillers.

Unfortunately, some have been content to allow the work of ministry to be done by “the trained professionals” or the exceptionally devoted church members who seem to have their life way more together. Others have been presented with a very narrow view of ministry, and because they don’t feel like they know the Bible well or aren’t a “people person,” they assume that ministry is not for them. We all have been gifted and called by God for ministry (Eph 4:12), but our ministries will undoubtedly take different forms. Some of us are gifted musically and can lead others to experience God through song. Some of us are skilled with tools and can repair a leaky faucet at a church member’s home. Some of us love to cook or bake and can bless new mothers or foster families with a meal and an encouraging card. Some of us love studying the Scripture and sharing what we learn with others. But all of us have a place to serve so that God may be glorified, and the church may be built up.

What blessings have you experienced in serving the church? What obstacles or difficulties do you face in regular service?

Have you ever done something where you felt like it wasn’t just your own effort or skill helping you do it? What was that experience like? How could that be related to your giftings

Read 1 Peter 4:10-11 Together and Discuss

What phrases or words are significant to you in this passage? What does this passage teach about the purpose or goal of our service in the church?

What does it mean to “serve from the strength God provides?”

This Week’s Practice

Practice #1- Discovering your gifting

This week we want to explore the process of discovering our giftings and directly applying them in service. While there are lists of “spiritual gifts” found in several places in Scripture (1 Cor 12-14, Rom 12:3-8, Eph 4:7-16), their differences suggest that we should read them as illustrative rather than as a definitive list.

The definition for “spiritual gift” we will use is: Any gift, talents, skills, or passion that can be utilized and empowered by the Holy Spirit in service of Christ and his church.”

This definition opens a world of possibilities for how you might be uniquely gifted to serve the church. This week spend some time praying and reflecting on the unique gifts, skills, or passions that God has given you, and write down how you could use those in service to Christ and his church. 

Practice #2- Finding your Place to Serve

Option #1: The second part of this practice is for you to prayerfully consider an area of regular ministry within our church. Click Here to view an updated list of ministry areas in our church. This week, spend some time praying and reflecting about these areas where the church has a need, and reach out to the listed contact to see how you can begin serving!

Option #2: Many of you may already be involved in several of the ministries listed on the handout, and you don’t feel like you can commit to serving in another capacity. This is perfectly fine and a wise way to prevent burnout. If this applies to you, then your practice for the week is to pray about inviting someone else in the church who may be new or not well-connected to consider joining you in your service area. If you are not sure who to ask, talk to one of our Church staff members, and they can point you towards someone. There are so many people waiting to find where they can serve, and an invitation from a fellow brother and sister in Christ can be the first step in helping them find their pathway of service in our church.