Session # 1- What is the Bible?

Watch and Discuss Bible Project Video “The Story of the Bible?”

What stood out to you from the video? Was there anything new or surprising that you learned?

What role did the Bible play in your earliest church experiences, and how do you think that shaped you?

What difficulties do you face when reading or studying the Bible (fear, confusion, boredom, skepticism, etc.)?


Common Views of the Bible

The “Divine Rule Book” View (B.I.B.L.E) – 

 "The Bible is a book filled with rules that God wants us to obey so that we can live a good life and be a good person. The Bible is "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" 

The “Moral Example” View 

"God has given us the Bible for us to have a moral example to follow. The instructions and the actions of the people in the Bible help guide us in how we should live good moral lives."  

The “Ancient Myth” View 

"The Bible is a book filled with the mythology of Ancient Israelites and of an early religious group called Christians. It is in the same category as Egyptian or Greek mythology, and while it might be interesting, we don't have to base our lives on it." 

The “History Book” View

"The Bible was written to give us an accurate historical perspective on things that happened in the past. When we read the Bible is like reading any other historical book, and its primary purpose is to tell us about what God did in the past." 

The “Inspirational” View

"The Bible was written to inspire us to live better lives and to give us wisdom for how to face the challenges in our day. When we open the Bible, God has a word that he will give us that will apply to every situation in my life and help me have the strength to live the way he wants me to." 

Do you feel like you have been taught any of these views or maybe held them without realizing it? How did it affect your reading of the Bible? 

What is ultimately wrong with approaching the Bible from one of these perspectives? What is missing? 


Read and Discuss 2 Timothy 3:14-17 and Luke 24:40-48

Is there anything that stands out to you in these passages or that you find surprising?                

What do these passages teach us about the purpose of the Bible? 


This Week’s Practice

1.    Watch the rest of the BibleProject's "Intro to the Bible" video series.

Specifically, watch "What is the Bible," "Literary Styles," and "Ancient Jewish Meditation Literature." (~15 Min).  Make a note of any new or interesting idea and be ready to discuss what you learned at your next group meeting.   

2.    Reading the Bible individually may not yet be a regular practice for you. Begin by making time before your next meeting to read the following passages and answering the reflection questions: 

Read:  2 Peter 1:19-21, Hebrews 4:12-13, and Psalm 1 

 What do these passages reveal about the nature and source of Scripture? 

What do they reveal about the purpose and power of Scripture in our lives?