Session #3- Bearing Witness


The Bible makes it clear that the gospel of Jesus being proclaimed to all nations is an essential part of God’s plan for redeeming and restoring the world (Matt 24:14, Mark 13:10, 2 Cor 5:19). We have already talked about how significant it is that God would invite us to take part in this redemptive mission, and we prayed that God would give us the eyes to see where he is working in the lives of those around us. We have also discussed the value of following Jesus’ method of “eating and drinking” with the lost, and how this practice provides a simple way of building relationships with those around us who do not yet know him.

To conclude our practices in evangelism, we want to talk about what it actually looks like to “share our faith” with others. So often, Christians are worried about presenting the gospel with precise wording or with a particular method, and they forget they are bearing witness to a person rather than just spreading information. Before Jesus ascended, he gave his disciples the powerful promise that they would receive power from the Holy Spirit and “be his witnesses” in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). If you are a follower of Jesus, then the reality is you have a unique perspective or “witness” to the work of Jesus in the world. You have a story filled with challenges and triumphs, joy and disappointment, and the grace and love of Jesus that you can offer to those around you.

Many of us think that if we don’t have an intense conversion story with dramatic transformations in our lives, then our story with God won’t be very compelling to others. But the fact is, every time God intervenes in the life of a sinner to rescue them from spiritual death and bring them into a new life in Christ, something miraculous has taken place. And it is something worth sharing. When we share the story of our journey with Christ, we offer the lost around us a window into what a life that is being transformed by Jesus looks like. We bear witness not just to our decision to believe in Jesus years ago but also our daily decision to be obedient to Him and be transformed by his love. Perhaps what your non-Christian neighbor or coworker needs is not more information about the Bible or the Christian faith but a living, breathing testimony of God’s saving grace. And that is something all of us should have to offer.

What comes to your mind when you think about sharing your story as a testimony to God’s work? Why do you think personal testimonies can be an effective pathway in evangelism?

What are some practical ways that we can naturally introduce our relationship with Jesus into conversations with family, friends, and coworkers who don’t know yet know him?  

Have you ever had the experience of sharing about your walk with Jesus with a non-Christian? What was the experience like? 

Read Acts 26:2-23 Together and Discuss

What do you notice about the structure of Paul’s testimony? What elements does he include? 

Paul’s testimony supported the credibility of his message. How does the testimony of our life support what we believe and what we desire to share with others?

This Week’s Practice

Practice #1: Writing your Testimony

This week, find some time to write out your testimony so that you would feel comfortable presenting it to a lost person (You can make this a part of your daily devotional time this week). A testimony is simply the story of your journey with God. While there is no requirement for what your testimony should look like or how long it should be, the most effective testimonies usually include at least some of these three elements.

1.     My life before Christ (Describe the circumstances of your life before you were introduced to Jesus.)

2.      How I met Christ and came to believe in Him.

3.     How Christ is changing my life (Describe ways your relationship with Jesus has helped you through difficult seasons, helped you overcome patterns of sin, and is forming your character.)

This is a basic framework for thinking through your journey of faith. Remember, you don’t need to fabricate or dramatize any part of your testimony. God can use any testimony to bear witness to the work of Christ. Trust that the Holy Spirit can work through sharing your story of faith.

Practice # 2: Taking a Step

We recognize that some of us are at different stages in the practice of sharing our faith. Some of us are gifted and passionate about evangelism and share Jesus regularly, and some of us may have never taken the step of sharing our faith with someone else. To close this practice, we want to invite each person to commit to “taking a step” toward sharing their faith. That step will be different for everyone, but here are some examples to get you thinking:

·      Take a coworker to lunch

·      Invite a friend who doesn’t know Jesus to come to church with you

·      Write a note of encouragement to a non-Christian friend or family member

·      Learn the name of two of your neighbors

·      Share your testimony with someone who doesn’t know Jesus

In your prayer groups, have each person share the step they are taking and spend time praying for courage and boldness in taking that step.

I Commit to: _____________________________________________________________

